Wednesday 15 August 2018

"On Broadway"

Well, not exactly on Broadway, but a new dance class I've discovered called On Broadway Dance Fitness.  You can read more about it on the business' Facebook pages.

I went to a free taster class - a good way of trying it out without any initial commitment.  I had great fun.  In about an hour we learnt a significant portion of a routine set to "If My Friends Could See Me Now" from Sweet Charity.

Katy - who led the taster session, and who owns the business - was a very good teacher, and her passion and enthusiasm shone through.

This seems like a wonderful way to learn some new dance routines and techniques, get some exercise in an enjoyable way, and meet new people.  

So I've signed up for a four week block of classes ... and may even fit in the odd extra class some weeks.  There is flexibility about when you attend and you get two 'passes' - so, if you can't attend a class on your regular day one week, you can pop along to a class on a different evening; all the classes work at the same speed.  That suits me with my somewhat hectic but irregular schedule.

I'll just have to see if I can put up with the longish journey to get to and from the class.  Somehow, I think I might ...

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